Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round . . .

Metro Transit

‘What?! Are you serious?!’

He’s behind me, the boy on his cell phone. The bus growls, drowning out his voice. I wonder what he’s talking about.

‘No! Don’t ever say that again.’ Whoa, that’s some vehemence. ‘Don’t ever say that again.’

Rumble, rumble goes the bus. Grumbling, growling his words fade away under the noise. I can hear his voice mixing with the bus’s belches but I can’t catch his words. Who is he speaking to? What’s going on? What must they never say again?

Mumble, mumble, ‘ . . . to say goodbye.’

Uh-oh, that doesn’t sound good. Maybe his grandpa died. Did I hear the word break in that mumbling? Perhaps his girlfriend broke up with him. Or boyfriend. Or maybe my imagination is just too active.

‘Ok . . . ’ rumble roar. ‘I’ll . . . ’ why do buses have to be so loud? And yes I know, I’m a shameless eavesdropper. ‘ . . . ever say that again . . . ’ breaks groan ‘ . . . hold on.’

The bus stops and he gets off, still talking into the cell phone, skateboard in hand, newspaper tucked under his arm. Leaving me to wonder, who is he? And what will become of him?

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