Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Jumping Aboard the Study Abroad Blog Bandwagon


Q: Will there actually be posts?

A: No promises, folks. I'm going to be in Thailand. I'm sure all number of things will distract me from sitting in front of a computer and fighting with formating, captions and image alignment. That being said, I'm going to be in Thailand. At various points of time I'm sure the urge to document and remember specific things, moments, people, truths will strike and why not collect at least some of them here, online, where y'all who will undoubtedly be very far away and very much missed will be able to see them. Why not.

For those who don't already know, from August 21st 2013 through February 2014, I will be in Thailand studying sustainability, sustainable development and agriculture. This, , is the fine institution that I'll be studying with and to say that I'm excited is a vast, unfathomable understatement. I'm sure that this scintillating blog-universe will mostly be populated by my family members, and perhaps the occasional friend looking to procrastinate an essay at 1am on Tuesday night. But come one come all. The more the merrier. All that jazz.

P.s. this url was originally coined and used semi-frequently by a much younger me. Peruse and be amused.

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